"Why Winning the Knight Terrors Crossover Feels Like a Loss for DC's Superheroes"

 "Why Winning the Knight Terrors Crossover Feels Like a Loss for DC's Superheroes"

After this week's ending of the Knight Terrors crossover, DC's superheroes may have won, but it still feels like they lost something.

"Why Winning the Knight Terrors Crossover Feels Like a Loss for DC's Superheroes"

This week, Knight Terrors, a big event in DC Comics, finished with Knight Terrors: Night's End #1. In this event, all the usual superhero stories were replaced by creepy mini-stories. The heroes managed to save the day, but it came at a cost. Now, regular people aren't so happy with the heroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

In Knight Terrors: Night's End #1, the story was written by Joshua Williamson, and the art was done by Howard Porter, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, and Trevor Hairsine. The colors were by Rain Beredo, and the letters by Troy Peteri. At the end of the initial Knight Terrors story, the bad guy named Insomnia revealed his plan. He made the whole world, including most of the superheroes, fall asleep and have nightmares. Now, everyone is awake, but the nightmares have come to life. This was part of Insomnia's plan to make the superheroes suffer for not saving his family, not just to destroy the world.

What was the subtly insidious aspect of Insomnia's scheme?

What was the subtly insidious aspect of Insomnia's scheme?

The story begins with everyone waking up from a bad dream they shared. In the nightmare, a guy named Insomnia blamed superheroes for everything going wrong. It turns out Insomnia lost his family during a superhero fight, and he held a grudge against them. He somehow gained the power to mess with people's dreams and went searching for a special Nightmare Stone to make his nightmares real.

Eventually, all the DC Universe superheroes joined forces and defeated Insomnia, undoing the bad stuff he made real and trapping him in his own never-ending nightmare. But even though they stopped him, the damage to how people saw superheroes was done. We see a little girl taking down her superhero drawings, and her parents admit they're now afraid of superheroes too.

What was the subtly insidious aspect of Insomnia's scheme?

If you've been into DC comics for a while, you might remember a big event called Legends. It was all about a bad guy working for Darkseid who turned regular folks against superheroes.

If you're not super familiar with comics, maybe you remember Marvel's Civil War. That was when people got scared of superheroes because there was a big fight between them and some supervillains in Stamford, CT. Lots of folks, including kids, got hurt, and that made the government put rules on superheroes, which caused a big fight among Marvel's heroes.

"Who is capitalizing on the groundwork laid by Insomnia?"

If things in the DC Universe start getting tense between superheroes, like in the Legends or Civil War stories, the one who might stir up more trouble could be Amanda Waller. She used to run the Suicide Squad and really doesn't like superheroes.

"Who is capitalizing on the groundwork laid by Insomnia?"

In the last part of the story, she's secretly making plans against DC's heroes. She's got two powerful items: the Nightmare Stone and the Helmet of Hate. She hands over the Helmet of Hate to someone mysterious, who becomes Doctor Hate.

Waller's schemes will be uncovered in the upcoming DC crossover event called Beast World.

You can grab Knight Terrors: The Night's End #1 from DC now.

Source: DC

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